Fri. May 24th, 2024

A natural person is a human being, while a legal person is an entity created by law, such as a company or a trust. Natural persons have certain rights and obligations under the law, while legal persons are subject to the law in a different way. Natural persons can own property, enter into contracts, and are liable for their actions. Legal persons, on the other hand, are treated by the law as a single entity and are responsible for the actions of their agents.

What is the legal definition of a natural person?

The legal definition of a natural person is a human being, as opposed to a legal entity such as a corporation or a partnership. A natural person has legally recognized rights and responsibilities in a given jurisdiction. Generally, natural persons are entitled to certain rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, and they are subject to certain duties, such as the duty to obey the law. Natural persons may also be held liable for their actions, both civilly and criminally.

How is a legal person different from a natural person brainly?

A legal person is a non-natural entity, such as a corporation, that is legally recognized as having legal rights and responsibilities, like those of a natural person. A natural person is an individual human being that is recognized by law as having certain rights and responsibilities, such as the ability to enter into contracts and possess property. The main difference between a legal person and a natural person is that a legal person has a separate legal identity from its members and can be held liable for its actions.