Sat. Feb 11th, 2023

“STATE” Field Abbreviation Descriptions for Military Addresses. AE= Armed Forces Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Canada. AP= Armed Forces Pacific. AA= Armed Forces Americas (except Canada)

What does the acronym AE stand for?

AEAmerican English
AEAccount Executive
AEAdverse Event
AEApplication Entity

What is E and E in military?

E&E. Emergency and Extraordinary Expense Authority (US DoD)

What state abbreviation is AE?

Armed Forces Europe State Abbreviations

AAArmed Forces the Americas
AEArmed Forces Europe
APArmed Forces Pacific

What is the acronym for Army?


ARMYAin't Ready for the Marines Yet
ARMYAdult Role Models for Youth

What is AE engineer?

Architect-engineer (A-E) refers to a joint provision of architect-engineer services, (A-E services) that are usually related to services provided to a U.S. military department or agency. … Because engineering services may be relevant to IT, A-E has an IT component.

What does Charlie Mike mean in the Army?

Continue Mission Jun 1, 2020. Charlie Mike. This military term is code for Continue Mission—pushing through adversity no matter the difficulties. That's at the heart of The Mission Continues: to never quit until we've completed our mission.

What does havoc mean military?

HAVOC: Call-sign for TOC – Tactical Operations Centre. Helo: Helicopter. Hooch: Barracks or living quarters.