Sat. May 25th, 2024

Is it safe to swallow your oral rinses? Yes – in small amounts. Many people allow a small amount of the rinse to trickle down the back of their throat after gargling in order to reach bacteria at the far back of the throat where normal gargling may not reach. This is perfectly safe.

Is TheraBreath dangerous?

In addition to being environmentally friendly, TheraBreath is also certified kosher, approved for diabetics, free of animal products, is not tested on animals, and is also made in the U.S. In addition, TheraBreath contains no dyes or artificial sweeteners and no other chemicals dangerous to the environment.

Are you supposed to rinse your mouth after using TheraBreath?

During this initial period the focus is on removing accumulation of volatile sulfur compounds in your oral cavity. After this period it is perfectly okay for most people to simply brush, floss, and rinse. Remember not to rinse with water while using TheraBreath products as they need to remain undiluted in your mouth.

Do you use TheraBreath before or after brushing teeth?

Use this refreshing Oral Rinse after brushing with TheraBreath Toothpaste. The rinse uses the odor-obliterating power of OXYD-8 to fight bad breath and sour/bitter/metallic tastes. Use TheraBreath Oral Rinse 2-3 times per day Use 1-2 capfuls and gargle thoroughly.

Can you gargle with TheraBreath?

Gargle with another cup-full for 30 seconds to clean your throat, a major source of bad breath. Wait 5 minutes before eating. Repeat every 8 – 12 hours. For Best Results – Use as part of a twice daily regimen with TheraBreath Toothpaste.

Can you drink water after using TheraBreath?

How to Take Therabreath Oral Rinse. For best results, do not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after rinsing with mouthwash.

How long does TheraBreath take to work?

Usually though 2-4 weeks. In the beginning you may notice an increase in tonsil stones and you begin to flush them out of your sinuses, and it will also be more effective if you are not using a toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate.

How long does it take for TheraBreath to work?

Usually though 2-4 weeks. In the beginning you may notice an increase in tonsil stones and you begin to flush them out of your sinuses, and it will also be more effective if you are not using a toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate.